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Agatha Chitie Hou i a collectio of te hou-log dama baed o hot toie by the mot popula ovelit i hitoy. Some wee omace, ome had upeatual theme ad a couple wee advetue. The commo lik wa that all came fom the taleted pe of Agatha Chitie, all wee etetaiig ad each dama wa caefully cafted ad well cat with may of Bitai’ bet kow acto of the time epeeted.1.The Cae of the Middle-Aged Wife:Whe M Packigto, whoe hubad i payig moe attetio to hi youg ecetay, awe a ad i the pape eadig, ARE YOU HAPPY? IF NOT, CONSULT MR PARKER PYNE, he oo fid heelf beig dazzled ad wept off he feet by the hadome Claude Luttell.2.I A Gla Dakly:Matthew Amitage i tatled by a viio i hi mio: he ee a ma with a caed eck taglig a beautiful blode. He late meet the woma i hi viio, Sylvia, ad ote he fiace’ caed eck. Mathew tell Sylvia of hi pemoitio, ad the egagemet i boke off. But i that all thee i to it?3.The Gil i The Tai:Geoge Rowlad, a boed playboy, diowed fo the eveth time by hi wealthy ucle, i o the tai to Lodo. Whe a beautiful gil but ito hi compatmet fatically beggig to be hidde, hi life chage damatically.4.The Fouth Ma:A cao, a lawye ad a pychiatit fid themelve togethe o a tai boud fo Newcatle. Thee i a fouth ma i the compatmet, who appaetly pay o attetio to hi compaio’ aimated coveatio.5.The Cae of the Dicoteted Soldie:The ecetly etied Majo Wilbaham i boed ad uhappy o he awe Pake Pye’ ewpape ad. Befoe log the Majo fid himelf ecuig Feda Clegg fom two buly attacke; with Feda i tow, he embak o a daig advetue to fid teaue i the wild of Afica! Aothe chamig love toy of a autum omace.6.Magolia Bloom:Theodoa Daell i uig away with he love – ad buie aociate of he hubad – Vicet Eato, whe he lea he hubad Richad i facig fiacial ui. Old loyaltie euface ad he etu home to ee if he ca fix the ituatio.7.The Mytey of the Blue Ja:Playig golf ealy oe moig, Jack Haigto hea a cy, “Mude! Help!” fom a eaby cottage. He u up to fid a beautiful Fech gil, Felie, placidly weedig the gade, obliviou to ay ditubace. Whe the Jack hea the ame cie fo may day he begi to thik he might be mad. But ae moe iite foce at wok?8.The Red Sigal:Demot Wet i ivited to die at the home of Jack ad Claie Tet. The fit i hi bet fied, the ecod, the woma he love. Duig the eveig the coveatio tu to the upeatual; Demot admit he fequetly get what he call ‘the ed igal’ to wa him of impedig dage. He eglect to metio that he i gettig the igal togly that ight!9.Jae i Seach of a Job:Jae Clevelad lad a ought-afte job a double fo the Gad Duche of Otova duig the latte’ tate viit to Eglad. A attempt i feaed o the Duche’ life ad whe Jae i famed fo a theft, evet become eve moe complicated. Ca he clea he ame ad who i tyig to kill the Duche?10.The Mahood of Edwad Robio:Pim ad pope, yet a omatic deame, Edwad Robio, lead a athe dull life with hi domieeig gilfied ad uipiig job. Hi quiet, dull life ed whe he wi ome moey i a ewpape cotet ad he embak o a advetue that eve he eve deamed of.万影电影提醒本站提供的《阿加莎·克里斯蒂悬疑剧场》在线观看地址以及阿加莎·克里斯蒂悬疑剧场下载地址来源于互联网。本站并不参与录制和制作,仅提供资源引用和分享。请记住我们的网站wydy.org.22.cn,觉得不错的话就分享到你的朋友圈吧!




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